
Current Series

Above and Beyond: A Study in Ephesians

The book of Ephesians is considered to be the Apostle Paul’s boldest and finest theological work. What critics call "the queen of Paul’s letters," "the Switzerland of the New Testament," ‘pound for pound’ may be one of the most influential documents ever written.


How do you know if you are genuinely “following” Christ in this world? One of the ways to know is to see “IF” certain things are true in your life. Jesus speaks directly about the core of what it means to be his follower, and so will we in our next series of messages leading through the Easter season. Gaining clarity on these spiritual “markers” will bring new confidence and conviction to your life.


Community life does not just fall out of the sky. It is not found so much as it is forged. It comes together out of the contributions of everyone in it. Especially in these days of discord and division, Christ’s church needs to model what true unity looks like. This series of messages is based on the 4th chapter of Ephesians to gain an in-depth look at true community, the kind of which we all want to be a part.

Crossing Borders

 “Border crossings” take us from one place to another, from one season to another, or from one leader to another. In God’s hands, these bittersweet seasons are moments of great opportunity as well as times calling for circumspection and wisdom. Join us for a look backward and forwards at God’s hand in the unfolding history of Hunt Valley Church and our pastoral succession.

Unexpected Christmas

The greatest surprises in this season are not the ones under the tree. They are the ones intertwined throughout the Christmas story itself in such a way that you only think you know the story! For Advent this year we are exploring the unexpected dimensions of Jesus’ birth that you will never learn on the Hallmark Channel. Join us for a fresh look at Christmas and bring unexpected meaning into your holiday.

The Possibility of Prayer

“Prayer is not the privilege of a few. It is a reality, easily accessible, for tiny children as for old men. It finds expression in innumerable ways.” (Brother Roger of Taize) Most people feel daunted by prayer, but in fact the Christian life IS prayer, and prayer really IS possible. This series looks at prayer in fresh ways to inspire and encourage you and to help take your prayer life to a new level. Your soul will thank you!

Daniel Decoded

Few chapters are as exciting – or as puzzling – as the second half of the Old Testament book of Daniel. Filled with outlandish and sometimes disturbing visions of the future, it encourages a people facing an antagonistic culture. Seeing God’s faithfulness in the fulfillment of the predictions can help us be more faithful and courageous, as we face an increasingly toxic culture and as we look forward to what is yet to come.


Ordinary Impact

There is a lot of talk in the air about “changing the world,” which most people think of as powerful actions with huge, visible, and immediate results. What if the Kingdom of God works differently than that? What if the way we are thinking about it is exactly the opposite of the way God usually works? That realization could be disappointing, or … it could be a relief. This three-week series looks at how God works through ordinary people and situations to bring about unexpected results. Think of it as … “the gospel for the rest of us”!

In His Own Words

WHO WAS JESUS? He has been variously pictured as philosopher and prophet, sage and social activist, charismatic healer and mushroom-ingesting cult leader. Indeed, Jesus often suspiciously resembles the person answering the question. In this series, we are looking at how Jesus described himself. There are 7 “I am” statements in the gospel of John and we are going to look at them this summer. Together, they will help us know, love and follow him- the actual him- even more.

Intended for Good

When things go bad in their lives people always ask why God would allow such things to happen in their lives. Not many people had it worse than the Old Testament figure, Joseph. His story is one of the truly epic ones in the Bible. For the next several weeks we are going to explore his life story and plumb the depths of God’s ways and wisdom. You will come away with your vision stretched and your hopes renewed.


The most frequent command in the Bible is to not be afraid, but how do you do that?! Fear and faith seem like perennial enemies who are always competing for dominance in our lives. It is hard sometimes to even tell who is winning, and nothing makes it more challenging than a crisis in our lives. Join us as we learn how to rely on faith and overcome fear in deeper ways than ever before.