Pastoral Transition Blog

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Prayer Request for 6/2/2020

The committee sends its gratitude to each of you and wants you to know that your prayers are powerful and effectual and that the Spirit has been leading.

As a committee we have identified three prayer requests for the immediate.  Would you please pray for clarity, discernment, and unity. 

We have worked well as a committee and there have been no disruptions.  We all care deeply for one another and respect the spiritual insight each brings.  This is truly a blessing and the Lord's hand in the process.

We have reviewed several candidates thus far, some are strong, some are simply not a good fit for HVC, and others are not lead to make a move.  What we do know is that no one can be Frank and that is O.K.  Our desire is that when the right man is presented to us that we will all recognize him.

As a committee we were reminded to pray for the same things we are asking of you.  And we are challenged to pray through James 3:17, that all wisdom really does come from above.

"But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere." James 3:17

Would you please join with us?  The road is perhaps longer than we had thought, and it has been hard work, but the passage is sweet knowing you send the Spirit ahead of us.

Tags: prayer

Prayer Requests for 5/24/2020

The LPSC met this week and plowed through a lot of material and had a teleconference with Charles McGowan.  Charles has continued to be on the look out for us and we currently have three candidates we are looking into right now.  

With the above in mind, would you please pray for the committee in the following areas:

-  for continued spirit of cooperation with one another,
-  that we would not grow discouraged with the process,
-  that we would clearly and undeniably see God's choice in our next pastor,
-  that we would be life givers to those we interview and that the character of Christ would be exemplified through our work and interactions with others,

Many, many thanks to each of you and for your faithful prayers.  You cannot imagine how powerful and how cherished they are to our Lord and to us.

Tags: prayer