Pastoral Transition Blog

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Church Profile

The Pastoral Search Committee created the Church Profile in collaboration with the HVC staff.  We began with the "Getting Started" brochure that is already used at HVC and added additional information for our candidates that couldn't be found on our website.   The church profile is sent to potential candidates by McGowan and Associates.  

HVC Church Profile - Click link here 

Prayer Requests as of 5/6/2020

The committee asks that you remain diligent in your prayers:

1.  for health and welfare of Frank and Jeanne,
2.  for the staff and volunteers as they tend the ministries God has given them,
3.  for the church members, that we would be "life givers" to one another and to the community around us,
4.  pray through James 3:17 with the committee,
5.  that the committee would continue in its unity and enthusiasm for the process and results,
6.  for the process of interviewing candidates in this Zoom/COVID-19 world,
7.  that there would be one accord between the committee, the candidate, and the congregation in the eventual call.

Tags: prayer
