Sunday Services

Sunday Services

Hunt Valley Church is spread between two locations less than a mile apart.




Sunday Morning Service Times 

***December 29th, no in-person services
Worship from home (or as you travel) with a specially prepared streaming service at 9:30 & 11 AM


Beaver Dam Location


Point Location


(4th & 5th grades, middle school)


More about building locations




You can find the streaming service here Sunday morning

Streaming Service 

Take a look at the Events Page to find other gatherings, both online and in-person, to grow your faith and connect you with great people

Events Page

Maybe you're feeling like many of us are and you could use a little support and care. It could be anything from requesting prayer to getting skilled guidance to walk through a difficult time

Care Options

Do you have a question, or want to share a thought, get in touch with us

Contact us



Welcome from Pastor Emeritus Frank Boswell

View a past service