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Frankly Speaking - September 25, 2019

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September 25, 2019
BY POPULAR REQUEST … the prayer I mentioned in the message on Sunday morning.

(from FRANCOIS DE FENELON, 1651-1715)
O Lord, GRANT me to greet the coming day in peace ...
HELP me in all things to rely upon Your holy will ...
IN EVERY HOUR of the day, reveal Your will to me ...
BLESS my dealings with all who surround me ...
TEACH me to treat all that comes to me throughout the day with
peace of soul
and the firm conviction that Your will governs all ...
In all my DEEDS and WORDS, guide my thoughts & feelings ...
In UNFORESEEN EVENTS, let me not forget that all are sent by You ...
firmly and wisely,
without embittering and embarrassing others ...
Give me STRENGTH to bear the fatigue of the coming day with all that it shall bring ...
DIRECT my will ...
TEACH me to pray ...
PRAY You Yourself in me ...

I cannot even tell you how I came across this prayer; only that it struck me in some way and that I felt led at one point to memorize it on my walks. It was probably the language that appealed to me, and the practicality of it. In some ways, it is almost an extension, with some variations, on the Lord’s Prayer. In fact, I usually combine it with the Lord’s Prayer, using it to riff on the “daily bread” petition. At any rate, using this is part of my daily “warm-up” routine has been very helpful for me. It is just one of several prayers that I usually go through every morning. Paradoxically, it is only then that I feel like I am ready to pray. Isn’t it odd that you have to pray in order to be able to pray?! Often I slow down in the various petitions and begin pondering and praying more about them as well. Since it is memorized and I do not have to think about what to pray, it has been anything but a burden. It has been freeing. It is a prayer I want to pray. And if, for some reason, I find myself unable to spend a lengthier time in prayer, going through this along with the Lord’s Prayer and a few others at least orients me properly for the day.
That is my experience. I would love to know about yours if you decide to “try it out and take it for a spin.” Let me hear from you!

Frankly Speaking ©2019, Frank Boswell | | (410)-771-0690 


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